Canvas is Miami Dade College's Learning Management System.
This category has many commonly requested services and reported issues related to Third-Party Tools, Course Support, Publisher Tools, Login Access, and Blackboard Archive requests.

Categories (4)

Course Support

Services/issues related to course content within Canvas.
Examples: assignments, discussions, quizzes, and other content.

Publisher Tools

Services/issues related to publisher external tools that are integrated into Canvas.

Third-Party Tools

Services/issues related to third-party external tools that are integrated into Canvas. Users can seek assistance and guidance related to functionality and usage of these tools within Canvas for optimal performance.

Examples of Third-party tools: Circlein,, Respondus, PlayPosit, Panopto, Turnitin, Packback, Zoom, and among others.

Login & Access

Service/issues related to Canvas login issues and requests for access to Canvas course content.

Services (1)