Popular Services

This service is for any request or issue not listed in the categories above. For faster response, please try to select a service in the categories above that matches your request or issue as it will be routed to the correct group.

Request for Reinstatement (Faculty)

This service is for any request or issue not listed in the categories above. For faster response, please try to select a service in the categories above that matches your request or issue as it will be routed to the correct group.

Add an MDC Co-Instructor, Teacher Assistant (TA), or other academic support role.

Questions from Adjunct Faculty regarding course availabilty and notifications regarding course releases

Having trouble logging into Canvas?

Use this service request for any assistance or general support with Simple Syllabus.

Submit a Dual Enrollment Student Exam Voucher request or sumbit a ticket to follow up on an existing request.

Getting Support for Unresponsive MDC Online Faculty Members

Request Zoom support.

Do you need your courses cross-listed?

Having trouble with publishing tools (this includes electronic textbooks and instructional materials)?

Submit a ticket for assistance with ProctorU.

Use this service request to restore a previous Blackboard course in Canvas for course copy or development.

Submit a ticket if you do not see your exam in ProctorU.

This form is used for faculty to share the Student ACCESS Letter with MDCOnline Testing to set up proctor exam  accommodating.

Request Proctored Testing solutions for Honorlock

Request access to the Blackboard Archive System to view archived courses, student grades, or work without restoring in Canvas.