Canvas - Cross-list Courses (Faculty)

When course sections are cross-listed/merged into a single Canvas course to more efficiently share the same content across course sections or for administrative convenience, instructors should take measures to establish student privacy and compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Specifically, students cannot access student information other than their own, including their enrollment status. Due to this requirement, students in courses with cross-listed/ merged sections should not be permitted to see or interact with students in sections other than their own. Please note, MDC Live courses cannot be cross-listed due to the nature of the modality.

Instructions on how to set up your class after it is cross-listed to ensure FERPA compliance will be sent once the request is resolved.

Request Service


Service ID: 5441
Wed 9/27/23 5:02 PM
Tue 6/25/24 1:55 PM